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College Expenses

Payment for tuition, fees, room and board is due in full by the dates shown on the College calendar and prior to the start of each semester, unless an authorized monthly payment plan has been established prior to payment due date. Electronic semester bills will be displayed on the Nelnet Campus Commerce system and students and their authorized payers will be notified by e-mail when bills are ready to view. Trinity College does not print and mail paper billing statements to students. Students must set-up a parent or other payer as an “authorized payer” on their Nelnet Campus Commerce account. This gives a parent or other payer access to view the bills through Nelnet Campus Commerce and to pay online. Please refer to the instructions on the Student Accounts website. Subsequent monthly bills for fees not included in the original semester bill (e.g., athletic charges, library fines, parking tickets, Health Center charges, or meal plan upgrades) may be viewed through Nelnet Campus Commerce after fees are posted to the account. Charges are payable by the due date on the billing statement. Payment by check should be made payable to Trustees of Trinity College and mailed to: Trinity College, Office of Student Accounts, 300 Summit St., Hartford, CT 06106.

A monthly payment plan option is available each semester through Nelnet Campus Commerce and runs June through October for the fall semester and November through March for the spring semester. A student or any authorized payer can enroll in the monthly payment plan by the published enrollment dates. To enroll, go to Netnet's My College Payment Plan to set up your monthly payment amount and use the standard billed charges found on the Student Accounts website.

Students who fail to pay all billed charges by the specified due dates will be considered delinquent and their accounts are subject to monthly late fees of $100. The College reserves the right to withhold transcripts or grades, cancel or deny class registration and attendance privileges, or terminate access to campus facilities or housing. Delinquent accounts may be placed with a collection agency and assessed with all collection costs incurred by the College. A student may also be financially withdrawn from the College for failure to pay their account in full by all published due dates.

Communications regarding College expenses should be addressed to the Student Accounts and Loans Manager or by e-mail to

Schedule of College fees—2024-25






$ 33,825

$ 33,825

$ 67,650

Standard Room*




Board**(traditional meal plan)




General Fee




Student Activity Fee





$ 44,830

$ 44,830

$ 89,660

Tuition for the Standard Course Load: For 2024-2025, a tuition charge of $ 33,825 per semester will be billed for full-time study, which is 3.00 to 5.75 course credits per term. Students registered for more than 5.75 credits will incur additional charges (see below).

Cost of Credits Beyond the Standard Course Load: Students who register for 6.0 course credits are charged an additional $7,517, with some exceptions. The College will exclude the following courses (up to a maximum of 1.50 credits per semester) from surcharge: teaching assistantship, research assistantship, internship, first-year mentor, thesis, independent study, Theater and Dance courses 109 and 309, private music lessons and music ensembles. Please note this exclusion is for tuition for the course credit only. Students are responsible for other costs associated with these courses, such as instructor fees.

Credit hours

Additional tuition fee


$ 7,517


$ 9,396


$ 11,275


$ 13,154


$ 15,033 -$22,551

Part–time Enrollment: All requests for part-time enrollment must be approved by the Academic Affairs Committee. After part-time status is approved, students who are enrolled for 2.75 or less credits should submit a request for part-time billing to the Student Accounts Office. These students will be charged $22,551 (2/3 of regular tuition) for that semester.

Repeated Courses: A fee of $7,517 per credit will be charged for each repeated course if that course brings the student’s course credit hours over the 5.75 limit.

College Meal Plan Program: Enrollment in this program is mandatory for all students in campus housing except seniors. Students residing in buildings that are classified as cooking units may opt for a reduced meal plan or drop the meal plan completely. Please refer to the meal plan information on the Student Accounts website.

Room Fee: Students living in campus housing will be charged $6,110 per semester with the exception of the Crescent Street Townhouses whose residents will be billed $7,860 per semester.

General Fee: partially finances the operation of the student center, vocational tests, laboratory fees, and admission to athletic events.

Student Activity Fee: This fee is administered by the Student Budget Committee to finance student organizations, publications, the radio station, and admission to Austin Arts Center events.

Study Away

Trinity College students enrolled in study at a Trinity College Global Site will be charged for tuition, room, meals, and fees according to the following rates for 2024-25:

Cape Town


La MaMa (New York City)








Home School Tuition (Approved External Programs)


In order to be eligible for financial aid and academic credit, students must remain matriculated at the College while enrolled in a study away program. Trinity students who enroll in a program that is not approved by Trinity must withdraw from the College and forfeit Trinity-administered financial aid. No academic credit toward the Trinity degree will be awarded for programs not approved by the College.

Other Financial Information

Course Audits: $650 per credit

Campus Parking Fee: To be determined

Returned Check Fee: $40 per check

Late Payment Fees: The late payment fee for nonpayment of billed charges by the scheduled due dates is $100 for each month the account remains delinquent. Please allow sufficient time for mailing if you choose to pay by paper check to ensure that the payment arrives by the due date. Subsequent late fees will be charged up to a maximum of $500 per term.

Credit Card Payments: Trinity College accepts MasterCard, Discover, American Express & VISA credit card payments on Nelnet Campus Commerce with a 2.75% convenience fee paid directly to the credit card processing company.

Trinity College Refund Policy

Tuition and Fees Refunds

Refunds may be requested by the student in writing or by e-mail to the Student Accounts Office. Students who officially withdraw after tuition and fees are billed, but before classes begin, will be given a full refund of all charges paid, less a $350 administrative charge. The date of withdrawal is the date the Registrar receives written notification from the student. First-year and transfer students withdrawing prior to the start of classes should submit notice to the Director of Admissions. The refund policy also applies to charges for extra course credits. Please refer to the Office of Student Accounts and Loans’ Web page.

If the official withdrawal occurs after classes begin, refunds may be affected by financial aid award adjustments and any applicable federal regulations. Tuition and fees are charged as follows and refunds processed accordingly:

Date of withdrawal

Percentage charged

Percentage refunded

1 day through 14 days

20 percent

80 percent

Third week

40 percent

60 percent

Fourth week

60 percent

40 percent

Fifth week

80 percent

20 percent

After fifth week

100 percent

no refund

An optional tuition Insurance is offered to Trinity College families from Grad Guard. This in not paid through or billed by Trinity College.

Withdrawal From Class After the End of Add/Drop

Students may add or drop course credit hours during the add/drop period. A student may withdraw from a class through the Friday of the fourth full week of classes; however, the student is financially responsible for the cost of that class, if the withdrawal occurs after the add/drop period. For example, a student who is registered for 5.75 course credit hours and withdraws from a 1.0 course credit class after the add/drop period is financially responsible for 5.75 course credit hours. If that student replaces that withdrawn class with another (1.0), the student will be financially registered for 6.75 course credit hours and will be charged accordingly.

Withdrawal From Residential Contract

Students who participate in the housing lottery and then withdraw from housing will be subject to a monetary penalty. Students must notify the Office of Residential Life as soon as the decision is made to withdraw from a housing contract. Please consult the Residential Life Office for additional information.

Room charges are assessed using the date of receipt of written notification for withdrawal from a residential contract. No room charge adjustment is made for withdrawal from housing during or after the fifth week of the contracted term. If a resident fails to occupy a residence by the first day of undergraduate classes in the term contracted for, it will be assumed that the resident has withdrawn and that a legitimate vacancy exists. Rental charges will be computed as if the resident submitted written notification of withdrawal on the first day of class and a cancellation fee will apply.

Meal Plan Contract Refunds

Returning students will be billed for the All Access meal plan. All first-year and transfer students will be billed for the All Access meal plan. Participation in the meal plan is mandatory for all students residing in campus housing. There are exceptions for members of Trinity-authorized eating clubs (St. Anthony Hall, Alpha Delta Phi, and Psi Upsilon) who may select a less-expensive meal plan or may drop the meal plan completely. All meal plan changes must be made in writing by email to during the add/drop period of the semester or at the Chartwells Office located in Mather Hall.

Students adjusting their meal plan down must submit a written refund request to the Student Accounts Office if they have overpaid as a result of the change. Refunds will be processed after the meal plan add/drop period.

Meal plan refunds will be made upon receipt of written request by the student each term and are subject to verification of available funds. Refunds will be processed beginning one week following the last day of the add/drop period.

* Additional 1,750 for townhouses per term

** Board cost will be adjusted based on student’s meal plan contract.