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Graduate Studies

Trinity College offers master's degree programs in American Studies, English, Public Policy, and Urban Planning, as well as graduate certificates in Museums and Communities, and Urban Planning. In addition, two accelerated master's degree programs, in American Studies and Neuroscience, are available to exceptional Trinity College undergraduate students. Visit the degree program pages in the Bulletin and the Graduate Studies website for detailed information.

American Studies

Masters of Arts in American Studies

Trinity's master of arts in American studies fosters a broad foundation in archival, spatial, public humanities, and transnational approaches to exploring the American experience at home and abroad. The 9-credt program trains students to become engaged scholars and public humanists who can synthesize these approaches into theoretically and empirically rigorous analyses of the often contradictory and conflicting meanings of America. To that end, the program provides exposure to America’s social, political, material, and cultural histories through diverse, pluralistic, and transnational perspectives. Learn more: program

Graduate Certificate in Museums and Communities

The graduate certificate in museums and communities within the American studies master’s program at Trinity is designed to respond to the growing role museums play in our culture as venues of mass entertainment and education. Because of this increased attention, museums need larger staffs and volunteer corps and a broader understanding of their new roles in a changing cultural environment. Students may earn this 4-credit certificate independent of, or as part of, the master’s degree program. Learn more: program

B.A./M.A. in American Studies (for current undergraduate students)

The B.A./M.A. in American Studies at Trinity College is a distinctive opportunity for current undergraduates in American Studies or History to receive a B.A. in American Studies or History and a M.A. in American Studies. Admission to the five-year program is possible at two junctures in an undergraduate’s career. Truly exceptional candidates may be recruited and admitted as first-year students at Trinity College. Other outstanding students may apply for admission at the end of their second year of undergraduate study. Note that this is a highly selective program, so space is limited. For further details, contact the Faculty Director of the American Studies graduate program. Learn more: program


Masters of Arts in English

Trinity’s master of arts in English develops writing and critical thinking skills through the intense study of literature, history, theory, and methodological approaches. The aim of this two-year, 10-credit program, which culminates a thesis project, is to train students to write and think clearly with a sense of style and imaginative subtlety. Students will read broadly, practice thoughtful interpretation, produce precise arguments, gain an appreciation of texts written in English, and develop a deep understanding of historical periods, theoretical paradigms, and methodological approaches. Learn more: program

Public Policy

Master of Arts in Public Policy

Trinity College’s master of arts in public policy seeks to equip students with both critical skills in organizational management and a strong grounding in the core civic ideas that animate public policy in the United States and other democracies. In Trinity’s liberal arts tradition, the provides students an opportunity to master practical aspects of public administration with the benefit of the historical and intellectual context in which our political principles and practices have developed. Students may complete the 10-credit program in a single year, including our summer sessions, but many working adults choose a part-time schedule that allows them to complete their degree in two or three years. The capstone of Trinity’s M.A. in Public Policy. is a semester-long consulting assignment, the “Public Policy Practicum,” where student teams apply their skills to help federal, state, and local policymakers—as well as not-for-profit organizations—tackle real world challenges. Learn more: program

For students interested specifically in the application of public policy in urban planning, the public policy graduate program offers a graduate certificate in urban planning (see below).

Urban Planning

Master of Arts in Urban Planning

Trinity College’s master of arts in urban planning gives those who are planning a career in urban planning and those already working in the field the tools and skills needed to succeed as town and city planners or as policy specialists. The 12-credit program provides students with a thorough knowledge of basic urban planning principles and values, qualitative and quantitative skills, and diverse research methodologies. The curriculum is designed to meet the American Planning Association’s Planning Accreditation Board (PAB) standard to teach “students the essential knowledge, skills, and values central to the planning profession,” and is suitable for those who are planning a career in urban planning and those who are already working in city or town planning offices around the capital region or as urban policy specialists in local government. Learn more: program

Graduate Certificate in Urban Planning

Trinity College’s graduate certificate in urban planning, offered through our master’s program in public policy, examines the methods and impacts of policymaking from Hartford outward, to Connecticut, the New England region, the United States, and the world. The program looks at city planning at the local, state, regional, national, and global levels, beginning with Trinity’s location in Hartford. This program, the first of its kind in Connecticut, gives students the opportunity to learn through the study of urban areas how to improve the quality of life for residents. Learn more: program


B.S./M.A. in Neuroscience (for current undergraduate students)

This accelerated B.S./M.A. program is intended for current Trinity College undergraduates who have demonstrated academic excellence, already inaugurated an approved research project, and intend to continue their graduate or professional education. Students who complete this program will acquire highly valuable research skills and strengthen their future graduate school applications. Students are expected to complete both the B.S. and M.A. degrees within 5 years. Since courses are co-listed for graduate and undergraduate credit, students will need to take at least 4 courses for graduate credit while enrolled as undergraduate students. Learn more: program