MA-PBPL - Public Policy Studies (M.A.)

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MA - Master of Arts


Public Policy Studies (M.A.)


Trinity College’s master of arts in public policy seeks to equip students with both critical skills in organizational management and a strong grounding in the core civic ideas that animate public policy in the United States and other democracies. In Trinity’s liberal arts tradition, the program provides students an opportunity to master practical aspects of public administration with the benefit of the historical and intellectual context in which our political principles and practices have developed. Students may complete the 10-credit program in a single year, including our summer sessions, but many working adults choose a part-time schedule that allows them to complete their degree in two or three years. The capstone of Trinity’s M.A. in Public Policy. is a semester-long consulting assignment, the “Public Policy Practicum,” where student teams apply their skills to help federal, state, and local policymakers—as well as not-for-profit organizations—tackle real world challenges.



Degree Designation

MA - Master of Arts