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Academic Policies

Credit Definition

One Trinity course credit is the equivalent of 3.5 semester hours, or approximately 157.5 hours of student engagement per semester, as defined by federal guidelines. For each credit hour awarded, students generally complete no fewer than 150 minutes of in-class instructional or studio/lab time, and 9 hours of unsupervised out-of-class work per week, including final exams, final projects, and take-home examinations. Courses taught or supervised by Trinity faculty include courses taken at Trinity College Rome Campus and with the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education, as well as individual courses taught at other sites but sponsored by Trinity faculty.

Categories of Credit

  • Academic Credits (AC) are applied to courses bearing the distribution designations ARTS, HUM, NAT, NUM, or SOC and those designated as First-Year Seminars and Gateway courses.

  • Co-curricular credits (CC) are applied to TA-ships, internships, peer teaching, and mentorships; summer research and fellowships; and approved short-term study.


New students are matriculated to the rights and privileges of official membership in the College body at the annual matriculation ceremony held in the early autumn. After the ceremony, each student must sign the following pledge:

“I promise to observe the statutes of Trinity College; to obey all its rules and regulations; to discharge faithfully all scholastic duties imposed upon me; and to maintain and defend all the rights, privileges, and immunities of the College, according to my station in the same.”

For more information regarding the Trinity College Integrity Contract and policies on intellectual honesty, please consult the Student Handbook.

The College Calendar

The College calendar consists of two semesters, fall and spring, which constitute the regular academic year, as well as a January-term (J-term) and two summer terms of shorter duration. Normally, all students attend the fall and spring. The academic calendar can be found on the Registrar's Office website. Students are responsible for knowing and following the deadlines of each semester and term for which they are registered.