WLCS - World Literature and Culture Studies Major

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BA - Bachelor of Arts


World Literature and Culture Studies Major


Under this track, students major broadly in literary studies, and may draw upon a wide range of courses on literature and culture in translation. Using methods of literary criticism, students situate texts within their original cultural context, and also probe the act of linguistic and cultural translation that occurs when these same texts are read across cultural boundaries. Students furthermore join their study of literature to another mode of inquiry (philosophy, religion, history, psychology, or others), understanding literature in dialogue with intellectual currents, and gaining other methodological tools to help in analyzing literary texts.

To receive a proper grounding in the role of language and culture in the production and reception of literature, all students are required to take LACS 299. Study of texts need not be done in the original language; however, since all culture is language-based, students undertake language study in order to become informed interpreters of literary and cultural texts. Through language study and the foundational course, students will learn to identify blind spots in translated texts and gain the tools for an informed study of literature. The amount of required language study varies from four to six semesters and is determined by the adviser in accordance with the student’s program of study. Students with strong foreign language skills are encouraged to do some or all of their textual study in the original.

Note: All courses with the LACS prefix are offered “in translation”—all readings and class sessions are in English— and no foreign language knowledge is required. Courses with prefixes such as FREN, HISP, CHIN, RUSS, etc., require foreign language knowledge.



Degree Designation

BA - Bachelor of Arts